@tom THX for the detailed answer. I am really looking forward to have a product which can tell me if I have vulnerable software installed (for me an my family).

RE: VulnDetect: Status
RE: VulnDetect: Status
First i want to express that I like your work very much. As PSI, my favored personal security update assistant died, I was looking for a good alternative very long. VulnDetect (Carma) looks like it has the chance to be this product.
Therefore I would like to ask some questions about further development.
Do you have a time schedule or a roadmap where we can see how your further progress is planned?
Is there an estimated date when the product will be in a state where "normal" private users can install?
Which states are planned (alpha / beta / GA) and when?Thanks for your work to help users to become less vulnerable!
Change time in logs to local time
Time in the log (c:\Windows\secteer.log) is in UTC. I think for most users local time timestamps would be better.
Configure CheckIn interval
I do not know exactly what this interval does, but I assume, that the agent connects to the server at the given 3600s interval.
It would be nice if the connection interval could be lowered.