[Added] Blizzard Battle.net - App-Request
Name of the app:
Blizzard Battle.netDeveloper:
Blizzard EntertainmentWebsite:
https://www.blizzard.com/Download Site:
https://www.blizzard.com/de-de/apps/battle.net/desktopVersion number displayed in the app:
In the Main Window there is a different version number shown (bottom left):But if you go to the settings, there you see the correct version number:
And this number is shown in the EXE file:
File name and path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Battle.net\Battle.net Launcher.exe Product Name: Blizzard Battle.net App Launcher Internal Name: Blizzard Battle.net App Launcher Original Filename: Battle.net Launcher.exe File Description: Blizzard Battle.net App Launcher Company: Blizzard Entertainment Legal Copyright: © 2012-2021 Blizzard Entertainment Inc. Legal Trademarks: Comments: File Version String: File Version: Product Version String: Product Version:
@olli_s I just reviewed this, it appears that detection was added months ago, but for an old file, not the one you list.
This has now been corrected, so the app should be detected properly, but it might be a day or two, before we have the most recent versions and can start recommending the right one. -
Battle.net Desktop App is now detected by VulnDetect and the version number is also correct.
@Tom: Thank you for adding this app!