[Solved] BUG - List of Apps - Product Name Empty
When I was browsing the list of apps, I got a message, that a new version of VulnDetect is available, so I refreshed the page.
Not I see no more product names, just the icons.Also in the exported CSV the product is not filled:
That's not good.
Thank you for reporting this.
We did make a new release of both UI and backend just two hours before you posted this.
Sadly I checked it, using our UAT:
https://uat.corporate.vulndetect.com/Here it works (I should not have used UAT for the sanity check).
So for you and anyone else who needs it in the early morning hours, then it is visible and functional in UAT.
I pinged the dev team, so this will be fixed first thing when they get online.
Note: You must change the URL after you logged in, else you won't see the UAT.
@OLLI_S Once again thank you.
That bug and one other bug is now fixed. There may be a few more releases during the day, as we have some more tweaks and tunes in the pipeline.
@Tom Thank you for solving this issue so quickly
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